Vegetable Seed Planting.
For us planting our vegetable seeds is a bit of care, a bit of guess work and a bit of luck. We do not have a greenhouse so any seeds that require careful nurturing; regarding the temperature needed to start them off have to reside in the house. Even though this is a temporary measure it requires a bit of planning as to which seeds get started off first.
We already have a tray of parsnips germinated in cardboard tubes filled with seed compost. These are OK being put into the garage at night and outside on warm days. Now is the time that the utility room starts to look like a greenhouse as the trays and posts filled with seed compost begin to take over the work surface. This is only a small room so any seeds that can be started off outside will just have to wait or take their chance.
The parsnip seedlings in the sown cardboard tubes are to replace any gaps in the ones sown in rows on the vegetable plot.
Seed Potatoes Planting.
We have several rows of seed potatoes planted out and the remaining ones are the ones that are taking there time to produce chits and start sprouting. I will plant them out anyway eventually as I believe they will still produce a crop of potatoes they just might be a bit slower at this than the other seed potatoes that eagerly produced chits.
Do n't forget that the time to plant your potatoes varies with your soil conditions (it needs to warm up after the temperature drop in the winter months), the weather and your location. As well as what type of potato you are planting - first early (can go in earlier), second early and main crops (last/later). We give the main crop potatoes more room when planting as they stay in the ground longer, before they can be dug up.
helpful information for those starting to grow their own fruit and vegetables with updates on what is happening on our plot throughout the year -
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Growing Your Own Fruit and Vegetables
We grow our own fruit and vegetables for our meals for as much of the year as we can. Without a greenhouse we have to buy shop food in the winter months but in the spring, summer and autumn we often have enough to share with family and friends.
Read about growing your fruit and vegetables here on my growing your own food pages.