We are still harvesting autumn raspberries, but as soon as the crop has come to an end I will be cutting back the canes. The raspberry plot area can then be checked for sneaky new brambles and hidden weeds.
The potatoes are all harvested and the area is clear, we will not be putting potatoes there next year or the year after. In fact some of that part of the plot has been given over to some of our rhubarb crowns that had outgrown there existing space.
Rhubarb needs to be planted in an area enriched with muck or compost, it will have lost its leaves by now or very soon. It is a good idea to put a marker such as a stake into the ground so that you do not lose 'sight' of where the rhubarb crowns are.
I missed out on tying in the summer raspberry canes so they need tidying up, tying into the wires before the winter winds whip them about and damage them.
We will soon be checking the compost heap to see how they are doing, I suspect there is a supply of compost waiting to be turned over and sorted.
As usual there are weeds to hoe down or pull up. I do n't mind working outside in the cold but it is not a good idea to work on the soil when it is wet or water logged.
helpful information for those starting to grow their own fruit and vegetables with updates on what is happening on our plot throughout the year -
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Growing Your Own Fruit and Vegetables
We grow our own fruit and vegetables for our meals for as much of the year as we can. Without a greenhouse we have to buy shop food in the winter months but in the spring, summer and autumn we often have enough to share with family and friends.
Read about growing your fruit and vegetables here on my growing your own food pages.
a healthy potato plant in flower

photo of potatoes in flower
home grown carrots.. grown from seed
photo of my first bunch of carrots 2009
Even a small batch of mixed fruit can be useful
Home Grown Fruit can be made into delicious compote