September - allotment, time spent on the odd jobs there.
Time on the allotment this past week, was spent on a weed attacking frenzy. Much needed as the rain and then the warmth had encourage new seedlings to take the opportunity to emerge. I decided the fastest way to deal with the new seedlings was to run the hoe over the area. I have a garden hoe that cuts on the push and the pull movement and that method suits me. I was taught how to use it effectively by two more experienced vegetable growers, when I first started working on the allotment.
The other weeds like the deeper rooted perennials I either dig up and put in the bin or just grab them firmly and tug them out of the ground. one way works for some and the other method is easier for others. Experience helps when deciding on your best method of attack.
Of course some people would just go in with a chemical approach, but I am trying to be organic and although it might be the quicker way, I prefer to have a healthier soil and produce.