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Growing Your Own Fruit and Vegetables

We grow our own fruit and vegetables for our meals for as much of the year as we can. Without a greenhouse we have to buy shop food in the winter months but in the spring, summer and autumn we often have enough to share with family and friends.

Read about growing your fruit and vegetables here on my growing your own food pages.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Seasonal jobs to do working on the vegetable plot.

Winter jobs to do in the vegetable garden.
The vegetable garden still needs attention even though nothing is cropping at the moment. Now is a good time here to prepare the ground for next year's vegetables and also to give the fruit bushes such as raspberry canes, blackcurrant, white and red currant bushes the rewards they deserve for the crops they provided this year.

The autumn raspberry canes have been cut back as the fruit will be produced on the canes that grow next year's, the summer fruiting raspberries have been tidied up and tied into their wire supports. The summer fruiting raspberries will  grow on the canes that were on the plants this summer so only old dead and poorly positioned canes were cut out. They also have a cut back in the summer after they have finished fruiting.

The two gooseberry bushes have been tidied and made into good shapes in the autumn time. The currant bushes just needed weeding around the bases.  Apart from that the rhubarb has been
given a feed of well rotted horse manure, only the stakes in the ground next to where the plants are show where the rhubarb stems will emerge in the early spring time.

The compost heaps were given some time, one to turn over the recently added layers. The other compost heap  is being emptied of  as the compost is now ready to use and we are adding it to the raised beds and areas of the vegetable plot that need enriching. Our sandy soil needs the compost to improve the soil structure and to add nutrients to the soil too.

Now can I find the time to escape to the vegetable and fruit garden one more time before Christmas? I hope so  as it is lovely on the plot at this time of year as long as you wrap up well to keep warm.

a healthy potato plant in flower

a healthy potato plant in flower
photo of potatoes in flower

home grown carrots.. grown from seed

home grown carrots.. grown from seed
photo of my first bunch of carrots 2009

Even a small batch of mixed fruit can be useful

Even a small batch of mixed fruit can be useful
Home Grown Fruit can be made into delicious compote