To turn the items that you can put on the compost heap into compost faster there are certain things you can do.
Here are five composting tips to turn your heap into compost faster -
- Heat speeds up the process so keeping the heap warm will aid the breaking down process.
- Turn the pile of composting materials over, as turning the heap incorporates air and that too speeds up the composting process.
- Add plants to the heap such as the leaves of the comfrey plant as it is said to accelerate the making of compost.
- Putting horse muck on the heap speeds up the compost making.
- Layering the things that you add to the heap - so that you add alternate layers of 'greens' and 'browns' that is not the necessarily the colours of the things you are adding to the heap but their categories.
- When composting browns are things like cardboard, paper and fallen leaves.
- When composting greens are things like vegetable peelings, bedding plants that are finished with in the garden, rhubarb leaves.
More on greens and browns in my next post here.